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Article: The 2022 Pure Earth Pure Gold Jewelry Auction is Open for Bidding Till 10/17 (Monday)

Ruby Rivera Modine wearing the seed pod earrings

The 2022 Pure Earth Pure Gold Jewelry Auction is Open for Bidding Till 10/17 (Monday)

I am happy to announce the launch of the 2022 Pure Earth Pure Gold Responsible Jewelry Collection, featuring Ruby Rivera Modine wearing beautiful pieces crafted by over 30 designers, with Fairmined gold from Hoover and Strong. The auction is now open and closes on October 17!

You may already know that I have been a fairmined license brand since June 2021.

How gold is mined matters. Did you know that about 20% of the world’s gold comes from artisanal and small-scale goldmining?

Pure Earth Now is the ONLY organization working directly with gold miners to help them go mercury free and restore the rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, one of the busiest gold mining areas on earth!

Help us solve pollution, train artisanal miners to go mercury free, restore the rainforest and more.

For the auction, I have designed a pair of seed pod earrings with blue sapphires. The earrings are made from castings of seed pods from the Japanese pittosporum plant. I collected these pods from a tree in the gulf of Saint Tropez, close to my mother's home in France. The earrings are made of 14k yellow Fairmined Harmony gold from Hoover & Strong.



#PureEarthPureGold #PureEarth #ResponsibleGold #Fairmined #Mercuryfree #SolvePollution #Reforestation #amazon #sandrinebjewelry


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