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If you already have a bangle that fits you well, measure the inside diameter and/or the inner circumference of the bangle.

The inside diameter of a bangle is the straight line distance across the bangle, passing through the center as you lay the bangle flat. See the photo for the difference between diameter and circumference. 


To figure out the circumference you'll need, you'll need a flexible tape measure or a piece of string, and a ruler. Bangles are rigid and need to be loose enough to slide over your hand. Make your hand as small as possible by folding your hand inward, bringing your thumb and little finger together. Using the tape measure or string, measure around the widest point of your hand (usually the knuckle area), and that will be the circumference of the bangle you'll need. For comfort, purchase bangles that are slightly larger than your hand circumference but not too large, because you don't want them to slide off. from sliding off. 

Average size is 7 inch for women and 8 inch for men.

Circumference Diameter
7 inches 2 1/4 inches
7 1/2 inches 2 3/8 inches
8 1/4 inches 2 5/8 inches
9 inches 2 7/8 inches

Other women sizes are:
Small 6.5 inch
Large 7.5 to 8 inch
X large: 8.5 plus inch


Pro Tips

If you already have a bangle that fits you, trace the inside of the bangle, measure the inside and provide it to us.

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