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Spring Edit

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22 products


the fern hoop earrings, cast from a fern harvested in Francethe fern hoop earrings, cast from a fern harvested in France
Petals Atop Petals Sterling Silver Dangle EarringsPetals Atop Petals Sterling Silver Dangle Earrings
silver azotic mercury mist topaz open bezel ringsilver azotic mercury mist topaz open bezel ring
The fern ringThe fern ring
The fern ring Sale price$120.00
The fern ring size 6.5The fern ring size 6.5
The fern ring size 6.5 Sale price$120.00
The twig branch in silver with a blue sapphire size 7The twig branch in silver with a blue sapphire size 7
the flower pendant in 18K gold with a tsavorite gemstonethe flower pendant in 18K gold with a tsavorite gemstone
the flower pendant in silver with a golden citrinethe flower pendant in silver with a golden citrine
the flower pendant in silver with a golden citrinethe flower pendant in silver with a golden citrine
the flower pendant in 18K gold with a rubellite gemstone ready to shipthe flower pendant in 18K gold with a rubellite gemstone ready to ship
The fern bangle from StrasbourgThe fern bangle from Strasbourg
The fern side pendantThe fern side pendant
The fern side pendant Sale price$190.00
blue topaz wisteria prongs ring - size 6.5blue topaz wisteria prongs ring - size 6.5
the Vera silver nature braceletthe Vera silver nature bracelet
18 K Twig Ring with blue topaz Stone ~engagement ring18 K Twig Ring with blue topaz Stone ~engagement ring
The Twig Ring , wedding ring, everyday wear in antique silverThe Twig Ring , wedding ring, everyday wear in antique silver
the twig ring made in silver with a yellow sapphirethe twig ring made in silver with a yellow sapphire
The Buds BangleThe Buds Bangle
The Buds Bangle Sale priceFrom $130.00
The fern pendant ready to shipThe fern pendant ready to ship
La Marquise Cabochon Ring engagement unique everyday ringLa Marquise Cabochon Ring engagement unique everyday ring
La Marquise 10K yellow gold with onyxLa Marquise 10K yellow gold with onyx
The twig branch in 10 K yellow gold with a blue sapphire wedding ring every day wearThe twig branch in 10 K yellow gold with a blue sapphire wedding ring every day wear

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