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the seashell collection

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14 products


Unearthed- the Seashell Dangle EarringsUnearthed- the Seashell Dangle Earrings
Unearthed- the limited edition broken seashell ringUnearthed- the limited edition broken seashell ring
Unearthed Collection: Silver Broken Seashell Earrings
limited edition sea shell earrings with a rose cut amethyst ready to shiplimited edition sea shell earrings with a rose cut amethyst ready to ship
the silver long seashell earringsthe silver long seashell earrings
The oxidized sea shell ring molded from a sea shellThe oxidized sea shell ring molded from a sea shell
silver free form necklace with multi color sapphires - limited editionsilver free form necklace with multi color sapphires - limited edition
The seashell ring molded from a seashell with a bullet cut gemstoneThe seashell ring molded from a seashell with a bullet cut gemstone
the rockaway beach sea shell pendant
Oxidized Silver Sea Shell Stud EarringsOxidized Silver Sea Shell Stud Earrings
The sea Shell Earrings with gemstonesThe sea Shell Earrings with gemstones
The sea Shell Ring molded from a sea shellThe sea Shell Ring molded from a sea shell
The sea Shell EarringsThe sea Shell Earrings
The sea Shell Earrings Sale price$180.00
The silver 3 sea shells pendantThe silver 3 sea shells pendant

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